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 More 150 useful formulas with clear details

1.       Second to minute conversion = Observed seconds / 60

2.       Decimal minute = 1 minutes /100 => 0.01 minutes,

3.       1 decimal minutes = 60seconds / 100 => 0.6 seconds  

4.       SMV to second conversion = SMV x 60

5.       Cycle Time = Start to end observed time of process

6.       Average Cycle time (ACT) = (CT1, CT2, CT3,… CTn)/n

7.       Basic minute = Observed Minute x Performance Rating

8.       Standard minute = (Observed Minute x Performance Rating) / Standard ratting  

9.       Performance Ratting = Observed minute / Standard minutes

10.   Off time = Loss time

11.   On time = Worked time

12.   Off time ratting = (Loss time / Available time) x 100

13.   On time ratting = (Available time - Loss time) / Available time x 100

14.   Loss time = Loss time

15.   Loss of man hours = Sum of Loss time

16.   Available minutes = (Work hours x 60 x Total Manpower)

17.   Bundle Handling minute = (Bundle Open Minute + Bundle tied minute) / Bundle Qty

18.   SMV = Observed time x Ratting x (1 + Machine Delay + Allowance) + BHT

19.   SMV produced = (SMV x Production)

20.   SAV per process = (SMV/ Total Process)

21.   SMV per garment = Sum SMV in all process 

22.   Estimated SMV = (SMV / Planned Worker Efficiency)

23.   Costing SMV = SMV x (1+ Allowance)

24.   Production Capacity = (Available minutes / Average Cycle minute)

25.   Production Capacity per operators per hour = (60 / Average Cycle minute)

26.   Production Capacity per operators per Day = (60 x Work hours per day) / Average Cycle minute

27.   Production Capacity per operators per Month = (60 x Work hour per day x Wok days) / Average Cycle minute

28.   Target = (Available Minute / SMV)

29.   Target per operators per hour = (60 / Process SMV)

30.   Target per operators per Day = (60 x Work hours per day) / Process SMV

31.   Target per operators per Month = (60 x Work hour per day x Wok days) / Process SMV

32.   Target per Line per Hour = (60 x Total Manpower) / Garment SMV

33.   Target per Line per Day = (60 x Work hours per day x Total Manpower) / Garment SMV

34.   Target per Line per Month = (60 x Work hour per day x Total Manpower x Wok days) / garment SMV

35.   Efficiency = (SMV Produced / Available Minutes) x 100

36.   Efficiency = [(SMV x Production) / Available Minutes] x 100

37.   Planned efficiency = (Planned output x SMV) / (Total Manpower x Working minutes) x 100

38.   Planned sewing Efficiency = (Planned output x Sewing SMV) / (Total Manpower x Working minutes) x 100

39.   Style Efficiency = [(SMV x Production) / (Total Manpower Used x Working minute per day)] x 100

40.   Cutting Section Efficiency = (Cutting SMV x Production) / (Manpower Used x Working minute) x 100

41.   Sewing Section = (Total Sewing SMV x Production / total available minute) x 100

42.   Finishing Section Efficiency = (Finishing SMV x Production)/ (Manpower Used x Working minute) x 100

43.   Embroidery section Efficiency = [(Embroidery SMV x Production) / (Available minutes x Manpower)] x 100

44.   Washing section Efficiency = [(Washing SMV x Production) / (Available minutes x Manpower)] x 100

45.   Printing section Efficiency = [(Printing SMV x Production) / (Available minutes x Manpower)] x 100

46.   Factory efficiency = (Over all SMV Produced / Overall minutes available) x 100

47.   Performance per operator (Hour, day, Month)

48.   Performance per line (Hour, day, Month)

49.   Machine Idle time = Time of not used

50.   Operators Idle time = Time of not worked

51.   Machine Utilization Rate = [(Available minute – Idle Minute) / Available minute] x 100

52.   Operator Utilization Rate = [(Available minute – Waiting Minute) / Available minute] x 100

53.   Man and machine ration = Total Manpower / total Machine Used  

54.   Machine Productivities => Pieces per machine = Total Production / Machine used

55.   Labor Productivity => Pieces per man = Total Production / Manpower used

56.   Input = No of piece loaded (Input)

57.   Output = total Garment transferred with Acceptable Quality  

58.   WIP = Total input – Total Output

59.   Cost per line = (Total cost per month / Working days / No of line running)

60.   Cost per man = (Total cost per month / Working days / No of line / No of Manpower Using)

61.   Cost per machine = (Total cost per month / Working days / No of line / No of Machine Running)

62.   Cost per minute = (Total cost per month / Working days / No of line / No of Machine / Work Minute )

63.   Cost per pieces (CM)= (SMV x Cost per minute) / Organization Efficiency

64.   Break Even cost pieces per line = (Total cost / CM)

65.   Break Even cost per line = (Total Cost / No of line)

66.   Break even efficiency per stye = [SMV / (CM / COST per minute)] x 100

67.   Actual time taken pe garment = Total Minutes Used / Production

68.   Actual cost per minute = (Target cost per minute / Efficiency)

69.   Actual cost per garments = (SMV x Target cost per minute) / Efficiency

70.   BPT = Total Minute / No of work station

71.   UCL = BPT / Planned Efficiency

72.   LCL = 2xBPT - UCL

73.   TT = Available time / Planned Out put

74.   Battle Neck process = Least capacity of the line

75.   Critical Process = Least capacity of the line and height defects rate 

76.   SPI = stitches per inch

77.   SPC = stitches per cm

78.   RPM = Revulsion per minute

79.   HSF (High Speed Factor) = [(4.5-MST)/100]+1

80.   Rate of Feed (ROF) = RPM / (SPC)

81.   MST = (SPC / RPM) x .0006 min

82.   MTM 100: TMU = 100000/3600 = 27.78s

83.   MTM 120: TMU = 120000/3600 = 33.36s

84.   Convert MTM 100, TMU to Basic Minute = TMUs / 1500

85.   Convert MTM 120, TMU to Basic Minute = TMUs / 2000

86.   Conversion TMV to basic minutes  

87.   Performance rating scale: BEDAUX = 60 to 80, MTM Low = 67, MTM high = 80  

88.   Performance rating scale: TAYLOR = 100 to 133, MTM Low = 111, MTM high = 133

89.   Performance rating scale: BSI = 75 to 100, MTM Low = 83, MTM high = 100

90.   Performance rating scale: MTM = 100 to 120, MTM Low = 100, MTM high = 120

91.   Manpower Balancing = (No of manpower used / No of manpower required) x 100

92.   Manpower required = [(SMV / Worker Efficiency) x Planned Output] / Working Minute

93.   Value Added Process =The process adding value to garment and customer willing to pay for that.

94.   Non-value-Added Process = The process not adding value to garment and customer not willing to pay for that.

95.   Employee Multi Skill = (Employee Knowing < 1 process)

96.   Skill Rate of employees = (Total Process Known / Total process) x 100

97.   Skill Rate of section = (Sum of Process Known in the section / Total process x manpower) x 100

98.   Skill Rate of factory = (Sum of Process Known in the factory / Total process x manpower) x 100

99.   Concurrent Multi Process Handling = Doing more that 1 process

100. Concurrent Multi Machine Handling = Operating more that 1 machine

101. Floater Operators = Partially working for some other process to balance

102. Jumper Operators = Moving each process to other process for balancing

103. Operator Repair rating = (Total Rework / Total produced) x 100

104. Operator Defect rate = (Total Defect / Total produced) x 100 

105. End line Defect Rate = Total Defects / Total Inspected x 100  

106. RFT = (Total Pcs sewn right at first time / Total Production ) x 100

107. DHU = (Total defect garment / total Garments) x 100

108.  Final Inspection Defect rate = (Defects found / Sample selected for inspection) x 100

109. OQL = (Total Defect found / Total order QTY) x 100 at final inspection

110. Thread consumption (m) = (Seam length x Frequency x Factor) 100 + Wastage

111. Thread Factor = Total opened thread length / Total seam length

112. Lace Consumption = (Consumed + Allowances) x 1+ Shrinkage

113. Elastic Consumption = (Consumed + Allowances) x 1+ Shrinkage

114. Absenteeism % = (Total absent/On Roll) x 100

115. Employees Attrition % = (Total employees left / Total on roll) x 100

116.Employees heiring rate = (Employees Heired / Total Employees) x 100

117.Employees training rate= (Employees trained / Total Employees) x 100

118. Employees learning curve time = Total No of days of training to achieve at 40% Efficiency

119.Over time rate % = (Over time / Working time)

120.Over time per head = (Total over time / Total Manpower used)

121.Total Monday used = Cumulative Working Minute of total manpower/ Working Minutes per day

122.Total machine shift used = Cumulative Working Minute of operators / Working Minutes per day

123.Average Production per day = Total production / Working Day

124.Average SMV per garment = total SMV Produced / SMV

125.CM produced = CM x Production

126.FOB produced = FOB x Production

127.Average FOB / Garments = Total FOB produced / Total Shippable QTY

128.Average CM per garments = Total CM produced / Total Shippable QTY

129.Average Shipping rate = Total Shipped Qty of the year / 12

130.Sales Value = Sum of FOB Produced (or) Total Shipped x Average FOB

131.Average Sales Value per month = Sum of FOB produced of the year / 12

132.Air Shipment Rate = Total Qty of Air Shipped / Total Qty Of Shipment x 100

133.Delay Shipment rate = Total Qty of Delay Shipped / Total Qty Of Shipment x 100

134.Replace panel rate = (Total Panel Replaced / Total QTY) x 100

135.Recutting Rate (full garments) = (Total Panel Recut / Total QTY) x 100

136.Finishing Rework Rate = (Total Finishing / Total QTY) x 100

137.OTP = (Total orders not shipped on time / Total order shipped) x 100

138.Order to cut ration = (Order / Cut QTY) x 100

139.Order to Ship ration = (Order / Shipped QTY) x 100

140.Cut to Ship ratio = (Shipped Qty / Cut QTY) x 100

141.Rejection rate = (Total Rejection / Cut Qty)

142.Dead stock rate = (Stock Available / Total Shipped) x 100

143.Remanent rate = Cut Qty – Shipped Qty    

144.Stock (Shippable) = (Total Produced – Total Shipped)

145.Marker Efficiency = (Area of patter / Area of Fabric) x 100

146.Ratio of IE = Total Machines / Total IEs  

147.Ratio of QC = Total Machines / Total QC

148.Ratio of Feeder = Total Machines / Total Feeder

149.Ratio of mechanic = Total Machines / Total Mechanic

150.Ratio of Utility = Total Machines / Total Utility

151.Ratio of Sweeper = Total Machines / Total Cleaner

152.Ratio of Helper = Total Machines / Total Helper

               153. Return of Investment Period in month = ( Cost invested / Cost-Benefit per month)





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