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Showing posts from June, 2021

How to convert your bad employees to good by simple concept?

X-Set is full of negative employees. motivate convert Y-Set is full of Positive people XY motivational theory 1  is explaining the category of the employees, based on their attitude and mid-set. X => Negative mindset employees, Y => Positive mindset employees.  Expression of X-Employees,  Y-Employees   X-Theory:   The employees always think negatively and blame others. They are not potential to the organization. They are a burden to the organization.    Y-Theory: The employees always think positively and take everything as an opportunity. They are potential and valuable assets to the organization. Motivate to improve bad to good employee: Motivate the Y employees to become best of best.  Develop the Y character to influence X and gratefully change them. Create cue systems to improve the X employees. Implement motivation scheme I.e. performance based Increase, Contributions based increments, Skill and handling based promotions, Bonus, so on....

How to make the best layout? What are the points that should be considered?

Introduction Garment manufacturing industries are following many types of layouts. In that, most of them are not efficient in all aspects. It is having some won merit and demerit. So, how could we make an efficient layout?   What are the basic points that should be considered? We will review one by one in below session. What is the right layout? Which layout is suitable to produce better efficiency is called right-layout . Simply arranging manpower, machines, furniture, material, etc. could not be the right layout. We have a few key things which should be considered during the layout design.    A. Work balance and workmanship distribution       Thump rule of layout design is workload balancing. Sewing lines is containing many processes. i.e. P1, P2, P3,…., Pn. All the process has to be balanced well. That should not be imbalanced between each and another process. For Example, P1 can produce 120 units, P2 can produce 50 pcs. In these cases, P2 is ...

Effective methods to train the employees

A. Introduction We all believe that   E mployees are more valuable assets to the organization. If the employees are not trained well, then they become a burden to the organization . Because untrained employees could not able to do a specific task with the required quality. On another end, getting manpower is becoming a challenging part. In this circumstance, we could not expect trained employees to our organization. So, what would be the solutions to train the employees in a better way? We will review step by step.         B. What are the key factors to train the employees? In the competition industries, training is a continuous process. Healthy organizations have an integrated training program to elevate the employee's and the organization's progress. The degree of an organization’s strength is measured by the skill and yield of employees.   "Train the employees to enhance their work to do simply, Subsequently, they will be happy and the outcome wil...

What is the use of 5S in process analysing? Is it helpful to reduce the processing time?

  A. Introduction Many of us knew that, “The 5S is a tool to organize the work-shop, It is also a tool for process analyzing and improving” This may look like a new concept. The common understanding about the 5S is a tool to organize the workplace . But it is an effective tool for process analyzing and improving . We could apply this concept for a single process or multiple processes to analyze. In end, you could get improvement in the process without any doubts. Because I am experienced to use the tools for cross-functional processes. It is quite an interesting and new dimension of Industrial Engineering for the Process analyzing approach.   B. Cases study for Better understanding   We keep on facing a lot of problems on the productions floor. In some processes achieving production with quality is complicated. Subsequently, it is becoming a bottleneck in the production line. Example: Process: Scalloping shape Lace attach, Machine: Zig Zag Machine Before Aver...

Dashboard report to monitor the factory performance

A. Introduction “Often, we hear that highly skilled leaders are struggling to succeed, So, what would be a reason for their struggle?”   In the garment manufacturing industries, solving the problem is not about skill what we have. It is about what kind of effective monitoring system we have. Unidentified issues are subsequently leading to the firefight at neck-movement. In this kind of circumstance, finding the remedial actions is a complex thing. Because. Our industry is depending on multiple man-oriented tasks and complex details. The successful leaders are developing the practice of key area monitoring. Monitoring the key function making us understand the organization's progress. B. What is the single window monitoring report? The good leaders in the organization are regularly monitoring the live details. In that most of them designed simplified “the single page monitoring dashboard- report” Here, the report is simple and covers a key part of the business process. Below...

How to calculate the cost of manufacturing for a garment?

  A. Introduction In garment manufacturing industries, calculating of accurate Cost of Manufacturing (CM) is a bit complex work. Because we have to refer too many details to arrive CM. Most of the companies having their own method to arrive CM value. This is a bit multifaceted to understand and explain. Nowadays buyer wants open costing sheet with all cost breakup and they verifying all the cost. They raising queries if any deviation in cost breakup including our profit marge. In this circumstance, we have to adopt accurate and common CM calculating methods. So that, we can have our common standard to arrive at accurate CM and the same could explain to our buyer. When the organization did not follow the standard method to calculate CM, then it will create some subsequent issues. i.e. a) Underquoting b) Higher quoting c) Fluctuation in quoting   d) Not added current overhead increased f)   No clear tacking about how did calculate   g) Couldn’t able...